Strategic Public Relations and Productivity of Teachers in the Digos City Division


  • Abdul Gapor De Guzman Author


public relations, productivity, teachers


This study aimed to determine the relationship between public relations and the productivity of teachers in the Digos City Division. It employed descriptive-correlational research with the division's five (5) large-sized schools. This study was administered to 5 public schools and 120 teachers. The teachers have a high public relationship with the parents, community, teaching staff, and students. The teachers have a high level of productivity in physical activities, grants or aids, staff management, and the learning environment. A significant positive linear relationship was found between the public relation of teachers and productivity variables. The extent of public relations between teachers, stakeholders, parents, community, and teaching staff was extensive. The extent of productivity of teachers in terms of physical, grants or aids, staff management, and learning environment obtained a mean rating of 4.11 with a standard deviation of 0.76, which was described as extensive. There was a relationship between public relations and the productivity of teachers; a correlation coefficient r of 0.905 denotes a solid positive linear relationship, which means that the level of public relations of school heads caused 82 percent of the positive variation in the productivity level of teachers. Results indicated that there was sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Thus, there was a significant relationship between the two variables.




How to Cite

Strategic Public Relations and Productivity of Teachers in the Digos City Division. (2024). Nexus International Journal of Science and Education, 1(2).