Teachers Drug Prevention Facilitation and Elementary Capacity


  • Zoila Navarro Author


receptive capacity, facilitation, teachers’ drug prevention


The study unfolded the extent of teachers’ facilitation on school-based drug prevention program and further determining elementary learners’ receptive capacity in Montevista District, Davao de Oro. The study used non-experimental descriptive-correlational research
design, where it utilized adapted survey instrument to gather responses from the randomly selected teacher-respondents. Data gathered were treated using Mean scores with descriptive interpretation, Pearson r and Simple Linear Regression Analysis. Findings revealed that the facilitation on school-based drug prevention program in terms of school environment, religious and cultural influences, community engagement, parents’ participation and classroom climate is moderately extensive, and likewise, learners’ receptive capacity in terms of comprehension and understanding, attitude and behavior change, application of knowledge and skills, engagement and active participation, and openness to information is moderately extensive. There is a significant relationship between teachers’ facilitation on school-based drug prevention program and learners’ receptive capacity. Indicators of teachers’ facilitation on school-based drug prevention program in terms of classroom climate, school environment, parents’ participation, community engagement , and religious and cultural influences suggest significant influential over learners’ receptive capacity. Future research may evaluate different approaches, strategies, and interventions in drug prevention programs. This can include innovative instructional methods, integration of technology, or targeted interventions for specific populations to identify effective practices and enhance the receptivity and effectiveness of the programs.




How to Cite

Teachers Drug Prevention Facilitation and Elementary Capacity. (2024). Nexus International Journal of Science and Education, 1(1). http://nijse.org/index.php/home/article/view/8