Teaching Proficiency and Performance of Pre-service Teachers of Public Elementary Schools


  • Rolly Lagunoy Author


Lesson Planning and Content, performance of pre-service teachers, Teaching proficiency


The study determined the level of teaching proficiency and the level of performance of pre-service teachers of public elementary schools. This study employed non-experimental quantitative research design utilizing descriptive-correlation method. Validated questionnaire and Universal sampling procedure were utilized considering the minimal number of teachers in the research locale. One hundred twenty (120) public elementary school teachers were the respondents of the study. Using mean, pearson-r, and regression analysis, the findings revealed that the level of teaching proficiency was high while the level of performance of pre-service teachers of public elementary schools was also high. Moreover, the overall results disclosed that indicators for the teaching proficiency have a strong positive correlation to the performance of pre-service teachers of public elementary schools. Further, results from the regression analysis revealed the following have a strong influence of teaching proficiency on performance of pre-service teachers of public elementary schools: Lesson Planning and Content. It is suggested that the teachers handling professional subjects must continuously update their knowledge and skills so they can provide the competencies needed by the pre-service teachers in teaching. It also recommended the cooperating teacher-respondents must continue upgrading through postgraduate education. Since the cooperating teachers are responsible for training and mentoring the pre-service teachers, they must serve as a model to them.




How to Cite

Teaching Proficiency and Performance of Pre-service Teachers of Public Elementary Schools. (2024). Nexus International Journal of Science and Education, 1(1). http://nijse.org/index.php/home/article/view/63